Our Blog

Here you'll find the latest insight from our team and stories as we journey to be a business for good!

What the 'ility?! Part 5 - Testability

Testability indicates how easy it is to test a system and its parts. It is a crucial aspect of software development that ensures a system can be easily and effectively tested. Click to read on!

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What the 'ility?! Part 4 - Security

In today’s interconnected world, security is paramount in software development. The concept of security in software revolves around protecting data, systems, and users from malicious activities and breaches. Click to read on!

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What the 'ility?! Part 3 - Usability

In our third installment of "What the 'iliity?!", we cover Usability, which describes how easy a given software application is to use. If you are interested in making your project a better experience for those who use it, change begins with small steps. Read below to learn more!

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Webinar Recap - To Build or Not to Build

We hosted a webinar on a crucial decision that all business leaders face - to build or not to build custom software! As a decision maker, you will face the critical choice of buying or building software for your business. Click below to read more and watch the recording!

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What the 'ility?! Part 2 - Scalability

In our next "What the 'ility" blog, we cover Scalability, which is essential for ensuring that software remains responsive and available even as user bases grow and traffic increases. Read more below!

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What the 'ility?!

This blog series dives into "ilities", also known as non-functional requirements. This series will dive into why "ilities" are important and essential for project success. Read more below to learn about the first 'ility' - Maintainability.

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Design Systems Part 2

Congratulations! You’ve decided to build a design system. Now what? Hopefully, you’ve followed the steps outlined in Design Systems- Part 1 and are ready to design and build your library. As you start, here are a few things to consider to make your design system successful!

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Getting Started with Design Systems

What is a Design System? Why are they important? How do you know if you need one? And how do you get started? So many questions and our Senior UX Designer, Ryan has the answer to them all. Read all about it in our latest blog.

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Reflections on the B Corp Champions Retreat

We recently celebrated B Corp Month in March, and took some time to reflect on the road ahead as we continue to work towards being a B Corp Champion. Read more below on our recent takeaways from the B Corp Champion Retreat, and our commitment to continuing to be a business for good!

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